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Japan : Kyoto 2024 Japan : Tokyo 2023-2024 Greece & The Adriatic : 2011
Lantern Slides
Personal Projects
  • Twilight Whiles
  • Finally, Brethren
  • Darkness Visible
  • Distant Lanterns

  • Musicians
    Games Events
  • Feral Vector (2018)
  • Parallel Worlds (2016)
  • Wild Rumpus (2016)
  • EGX (2016)
  • EGX (2015)
  • EGX (2013)
  • REZZED (2013)
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    Japan : Kyoto 2024

    Kyoto 2024 Album (~180 photos). Photos taken during my time living and studying in Kyoto from January 2024 to early April of 2024. A few photos from Gunma Prefecture and Tokyo too.
    Fuji X100F and iPhone 13 Pro using Halide.

    Japan : Tokyo

    Tokyo 2023-2024 Album (~450 photos). Photos taken during my time living and studying in Tokyo from October 2023 to early January of 2024. Includes photos from nearby locations - including Yokohama, Mount Takao and Kamakura.
    Fuji X100F and iPhone 13 Pro using Halide.

    Greece & The Adriatic - 2011

    Greece & The Adriatic Full Album (~120 photos). Gallery of photos taken during a trip through Turkey, Santorini, Crete, Greece, Croatia, Albania and Italy in 2011.
    Canon 7D with 17-40L and 50 f1.8 lenses.

    Lantern Slides

    An experiment in atmospheric 3D photos. Created by projecting the photos onto 3D geometry and affecting them in a game engine with realtime dynamic lighting, visual FX and audio.

    Personal Projects

    I gave up trying to name individual photos a long time ago. I have some themes and ideas under which I tend to group photos and here are some of them. Taken on a range of cameras, including : Canon 350d, Canon 7d, Fuji X100T, Fuji X100F. Some are film photos, these would use either Olympus Trip or an Olympus RC35 on Ilford FP4 film.

    Twilight Whiles

    An increasingly fantastical plunge into a snow and fog-bound city. Transitioning from standard photography to including composited CG elements.

    Finally, Brethren

    Darkness Visible

    Distant Lanterns


    Games Events

    Moving from studio development to indie has presented me with many more opportunities to attend game events and they can become a yearly highlight. Some are incredibly easy to photography, especially if they take place in forests and ravines, while others in exhibition halls are more difficult. But I try to find something interesting to shoot regardless.

    Feral Vector 2018

    Parallel Worlds @ V&A (2016)

    Wild Rumpus (2016)

    EGX (2016)

    EGX (2015)

    EGX (2013)

    REZZED (2013)


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    formatted by Markdeep 1.13